Soufrière Hills

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Soufrière Hills
Elevation 915 m
Latitude 16° 43′ ″ N
Longitude 62° 11′ ″ W

Soufrière Hills is a stratovolcano on the island of Montserrat, W.I. It extrudes an andesitic lava, meaning it forms lava domes, with pryoclastic flows, rockfalls, lahars and major dome collapses being the largest hazards. The volcano has been erupting discontinuously since 1995. The last significant period of lava extrusion ceased in February 2010. Soufrière Hills has been in a state of eruptive pause since then, but continues to emit volcanic gases passively (the SO2 emissions since the end of February 2010 have an average of ~ 400 tonnes/day).


MVO: Montserrat Volcano Observatory
Global Volcanism Project page for Soufrière Hills
